Always Been Yours

Chapter 1020

Chapter 1020 The Clue Simon looked at Sofia with concern. Sofia nodded. “It’s not necessary for the time being. And besides, the matter is still under investigation. There’s no conclusion yet, so it won’t be much trouble. What matters now is that it’s still unknown whether Susan was the mastermind behind the stage incident. That has to be made clear before everything else.”

Tessa agreed with this, but she didn’t chime in on their conversation. Simon went on asking, “How’s the investigation going at the moment, then?”

Sofia roughly explained the situation without hiding anything from him. “We found the man who operated the stage at the time. He identified Susan as the culprit, but she denied it so resolutely that it seemed like she never did it.”

Smart as he was, Simon naturally smelled something fishy after listening to her words. He shook his head and replied with a sigh, “Some people nowadays simply don’t know their place. Once their desires grow, they’ll try to do something untoward without realizing there’s no escape from the long arm of the law. They’ll be caught sooner or later.”

Tessa felt the same way, too.

Sofia also looked gloomy while feeling a little upset. There was a lot of competition within the orchestra, but she’d always thought that these competitions were fair. However, what had happened this time made her realize that the orchestra wasn’t as strife-free as she had previously thought.

atmosphere became rather

asked with concern, “Will

to it.” She wasn’t worried about this at all. After all, Marjorie and others were already full-fledged musicians with enough experience in dealing with

chat about the

soon returned to the home studio. Some time later, Simon’s butler came over and knocked on the

getting late. Before she could take her leave, though, she heard Simon’s voice inviting her. “Tessa, since the meal is ready, why don’t you tell your husband that you’ll

him down, Tessa agreed with a nod before calling Nicholas. “Mr. Simon asked me to join him

come back. I’ll have someone pick you up,” Nicholas

Symphony was still being lively discussed on the internet. Inadvertently catching a glimpse of these news reports, he

Edward showed up before him respectfully. “What can I do for you, President

to the point, asking, “How is your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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