Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1055

Chapter 1055 Don’t Be Biased Toward Her

“I bet they want to visit Gregory. After all, it’s been a long time since they last saw him.” Kieran defended his parents and saw that Remus’ expression softened.

Then, Remus huffed and said in dissatisfaction, “I wonder what is going through Nicholas’ mind for letting Tessa take Gregory with her. After all, she can’t even take care of herself as she is pregnant. Yet, she still wants to keep Gregory by her side.”

“Well, Gregory needs maternal love at this stage in life. Moreover, he is willing to tag along with Tessa,” Kieran said carefully, defending Nicholas.

Although Remus glared at him when he heard those words, he didn’t say anything else. Seeing that he was not mad and their conversation had come to this point, Kieran felt it was the right moment to make Remus change his mind about Tessa. So, he braced himself and said, “Actually, I think you should watch Tessa’s concert, Grandpa. To be honest, she isn’t as bad as you think she is.”

upset, and he retorted, “What benefits did she give for you to be helping her by complimenting her in front

anything by saying these words. I’m just stating facts.” Kieran smiled. “I remember that you used to watch her perform at Gregory’s birthday party. At that time, you told us not

Then, after a moment of silence, he huffed

married to her. Although Nicholas won’t necessarily go to the point where he will cut ties with you if you keep refusing to be nice to Tessa, your relationship

was grim. It was true that Nicholas had not called him for some time. Although Nicholas had sent him gifts, which there was nothing wrong with, Remus could still feel that Nicholas was distancing himself away from

and continued eating his food. At that moment, the dining room fell into silence, and the atmosphere was heavy. Kieran didn’t like it, so he decided to leave after dinner. “Since I still have some paperwork that needs to be done at the company, I will take my leave first, Grandpa,”

him. Then, he said coldly, “Give me the invitation

he’d be going, by the looks of

was not concerned about her. Instead, she wanted to know how their plan was coming along. Although Wanda had contacted Eunice once before, Eunice had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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