Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054 Hard Work Pays Off

At that moment, Gregory also found an opportunity to hold the desserts that Tessa had made for Stefania. “Try it, Grandma. Mommy made this, and it’s delicious,” he said.

Seeing the dessert in front of her, Stefania would naturally accept it since it was from Gregory. Then, she realized it tasted great. The sweetness was just right, and its rich flavors burst as soon as she bit into the dessert.

Just like that, the whole family engaged in conversation, and the atmosphere was heart-warming. Then, they changed the topic to the concert.

“Thank you guys for coming all the way here to listen to my performance,” Tessa said happily.

“It would only be natural for us to be here as we want to see how great your performance will be for Nicholas to stay with you,” Stefania said faintly. In addition, she also wanted to use this opportunity to get to know Tessa as she wondered what charms she had that made Nicholas fall for her.

As they were talking, the sun went down, and it was nighttime. Since Tobias and Stefania had a long day, Tessa was worried that they didn’t have the appetite to eat. Thus, she personally cooked them a few delicious delicacies. During dinner, Gregory was handing food to the elderly couple while sugar-coating his words, making them delighted. In return, they ate more food than usual.

were catching up on age. At that moment, Tessa noticed it and quickly said, “I

Stefania and Tobias didn’t refuse and

cutely, “I’ll accompany you, Grandma. Can I sleep with

replied, as there was no way she would refuse to spend time with Gregory, not to

all walked up the stairs to see

spent a lot of time and effort; she even asked Nicholas about their preferences. One could say

room, she could tell that it was well-decorated. So, she looked at

long as you guys are comfortable living in it,” Tessa replied with a smile. Then, she left with

to the main bedroom, she was still smiling, seemingly

he lowered

Tessa gave him a playful glare and acted as if she was upset with his words by

Nicholas knew she was not mad and was playing with him, he still cooed her affectionately. “Alright, my bad.” Then, he couldn’t help but kiss her when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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