Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1146

Chapter 1146 No More Cooking

They had a meal in the afternoon, and this meal allowed them to really bond with one another. After lunch, Alice sent Tessa back home before she headed off to work.

Once Tessa got home, she took a nap before she headed to her music room and practiced her violin for two hours. Later in the evening, Tessa felt the urge to prepare her own dinner, so she went into the kitchen.

When Gregory heard that his mother was cooking, he obediently followed along to help her out in the kitchen. By the time Nicholas got home, Tessa had already cooked up a few mouth-watering dishes.

Tessa spread her lips into a wide smile when she saw Nicholas. “You’re back. Hurry up and wash your hands. Dinner’s ready.” She placed the dishes on the dining table. Right as she straightened up, she felt Nicholas’ chest against her back.

“Why are you cooking? Didn’t I tell you not to engage in these risky activities? You shouldn’t be moving around too much. What if you get injured?

care of them,” Nicholas uttered in a disapproving tone. He held her in his firm arms as he continued nagging at

herself. The smile on her face looked sweeter than ever. “Fine. This is the last time I’ll step in the kitchen until our baby is born.” Tessa coaxed Nicholas as she turned around to wrap her arms around his neck. Only then did Nicholas relax

meal while they chatted with one another. Nicholas asked Tessa about her trip to the hospital earlier that day. “Did Old Mrs. Reinhart cause you any

done with their meal, Tessa sat in the living hall, where she played with some Lego blocks with Gregory. Nicholas, on the other

Sawyer Group terminated their partnership with Muller Group after Muller Group offended President Sawyer’s wife. Furthermore, Sawyer Group also blacklisted Muller

froze when she heard the script that the news reporter was reciting. She hadn’t expected this to be on the news, and she gazed

turned around when he realized that Tessa was staring at him. Tessa

he shook his head. He was confident with his words since

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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