Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1147

Chapter 1147 No Right to Lecture Me

Wanda found herself at a loss for words and stomped back to her room in a huff while leaving Remus behind. After watching her leave his line of sight, he heaved a wistful sigh. He probably needed to talk with Nicholas the following day. Hopefully, Nicholas would stop all the attacks as a favor for him.

Shortly after Nicholas arrived at the office the following morning, Edward knocked on the door and entered the room. “Mr. Muller is here, Sir. He is downstairs and wishes to see you.”

Nicholas frowned as he could deduce the reason for Horace’s visit. It was likely because of Wanda. Nevertheless, he gestured for Edward to lead Horace up to the office.

As soon as Horace saw him, he immediately uttered straightforwardly, “Nicholas, Wanda has learned her lesson now, and I am not here to give you a lecture. After all, I have no right to say anything.”

Nicholas narrowed his eyes in disapproval at Horace’s words and barked, “Mr. Muller, allow me to be clear about this. Wanda is the one who is at fault here. I have been extremely generous and have not reported her to the police. There is absolutely no reason for you to lecture me!”

Indeed, there was no reason for him to give Nicholas a lecture. However, if the Sawyers had not given Wanda the wrong signal, she would not have fallen so deeply

he did not elaborate on

it go for my sake.” Horace was almost groveling when he said

It was quite a blow to his ego. In any case, the

has resulted in considerable losses, and she has also suffered. You’ve already taught her a

pleas and agreed

Horace went straight to Wanda. Then, he informed her how

He has consented to spare the Muller Group. In the future, make it a

boiled. She clenched her jaws and inquired, “Grandpa, why didn’t you tell me you were going to see Nicholas? I’m capable of

said that, the grudge she bore against Nicholas worsened. I can’t believe how vicious

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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