Always Been Yours

Chapter 1163

Chapter 1163 Wanda’s Scheming Again

The thought of this left Leah wallowing in sorrow as she slumped down on the table. To her surprise, she saw a sophisticated woman slowly approaching her.

It was none other than Wanda Muller who had been keeping a low profile for some time. She came prepared. Although she stayed out of sight, she kept herself informed of all of Tessa’s recent goings-on.

After seeing the headlines plastered across the Internet over the last two days, Wanda knew that Leah would surely be despising Tessa. Thus, she came to look for her. “You’ve finished your drink. Here’s another one on me.”

She held a glass out to Leah. Leah was startled. She moved her gaze away from the glass in front of her and stared at Wanda.

“You’re Wanda Muller, the Mullers’ daughter.” Leah recognized Wanda right away and knew that the woman in front of her was the main lead in the scandal a while back.

Wanda nodded. “That’s right. I’m Wanda Muller.”

“What do you want with me?”

Leah narrowed her eyes. In reality, she could hazard a guess as to why Wanda showed up here.

Wanda didn’t beat around the bush. She sat down and said, “I know you must hate Tessa a lot right now. Well, what a coincidence. I can’t stand the sight of her either.”

Once Leah heard this, she knew she guessed correctly.

woman wants to team up

let this show in her expression as she piped up

If you

gazed at Leah with a

her features. “I know you’ve been working hard all this while to gain popularity. You’ve sacrificed a lot in the process, but you’ve lost everything now, thanks

in Leah’s heart, but in the end,

don’t come from an

Leah smirked self-deprecatingly.

as she remarked, “What if I told you that I’m willing

forgotten about what happened a while back? Muller Group can’t stand against Sawyer

Group goes down, then it goes down. I don’t care

meant what she



lose because of her family background. She only lost because her

family was not any less influential than the Sawyers. It was exactly what Leah needed the most

noticed Leah’s

you. This is a win-win situation. We have a common enemy, so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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