Always Been Yours

Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164 Gregory’s Competition

Tessa didn’t know about any of these things. After the performance, she focused solely on her training and practice without taking on any work.

Still, Alice would record videos of Tessa playing the violin, which she would then have someone edit and post on Twitter. These videos attracted a lot of attention from the public and garnered unbelievable numbers of views and retweets.

Fans would keep urging for new updates multiple times a day. This was the same as ever today. Tessa was dressed in a simple white dress as she played the violin in the garden.

Alice sat on the side and recorded a video of her. When Tessa finished the piece, she set down her violin and came over to drink some water.

Alice checked the video she took and commented, “Tessa, considering your looks, it’s such a shame that you didn’t join the entertainment industry.”

“I don’t think it’s a shame at all. The entertainment industry doesn’t suit me.” Tessa shook her head. She wasn’t interested in the entertainment industry at all.

Alice noticed her reaction and didn’t carry on with this topic. She transferred the video to her laptop and began editing it.

A little while later, she showed the edited version to Tessa. “What do you think?”

“It looks pretty good. I think the videos have improved a lot lately. If you carry on like this, I think you can consider becoming a video editor later on if you don’t want to be an assistant any longer.”

seeing the product of Alice’s edits. Alice grinned. “Is that so?

support.” Amid their light-hearted conversation, Alice

as they saw

true that people are all different after all. Tessa still looks as beautiful as a fairy even when pregnant, but look at me! I can’t even look at myself in

could change places with the violin on her shoulder. I want to lie there

Forget about it. She can’t

fans chattered on rather

also scroll through the comments during her break and respond to

Many days passed.

Gregory was joining,

day before the competition, Quinton stayed back after the lesson to

held at Primero International High School. Participants will be

earnestly before asking, “What’s your opinion on Gregory’s command of these

good as he is at

was already commendable for a child to be focused enough to practice

his chest confidently and declared, “Don’t worry, Mommy! I’ll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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