Always Been Yours

Chapter 1172

Chapter 1172 The Training Center

He smiled at Tessa. “Ah, Madam Tessa. Here to welcome your brother, I see.” Timothy entered the living room.

Tessa was surprised to see him. “Timothy? What brings you here?” He should be in Vienna. Why did he come back all of a sudden? Tessa had a bad feeling about it. “Did something happen in Vienna?”

“No. Don’t think too much about it, Tessa,” Timothy denied. He didn’t want her to worry about him. But Tessa didn’t buy it. “Are you sure you’re fine?”

“I’m fine. The Vienna branch is already established, and Nicholas is helping me out with the management. I’m not needed at the moment. I just so happen to have something important to settle back home, so I came,” he explained patiently.

Tessa heaved a sigh of relief. “When did you come back? You should’ve called me.” She shot him a look of a complaint. “I landed this morning. I didn’t call because I wanted to give you a surprise,” he quickly explained.

frown creased Tessa’s forehead. “So, you’ve been up the whole night?” Before Timothy could say anything,

Andrew nodded and left.

“You’re the best, sis.” He hugged his

all grown up

big sis no matter what my age is. I can always act

smiled. “Go get your breakfast.” “Man, I am famished. I didn’t get a bite of anything on my way here.” Timothy nodded and rubbed

you eat anything? Are you

can’t believe him. Just when she was about to lecture him, Alice

and looked at Timothy. “I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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