Always Been Yours

Chapter 1173

Chapter 1173 First Place

Alice nodded in agreement, and then she remembered something else. “I also have a surprise for you.” She smiled. “What is it?” Tessa asked curiously.

Alice gave her a cryptic answer, “You’ll see.” That stoked Tessa’s flame of curiosity.

When they were almost done with the tour, Alice took her to a room. “Sofia told me to keep this room for you. You can take a break in here when you get tired from practice.” Alice smiled. “She specifically told me to make sure you’re never exhausted. Sofia’s really nice to you. I’m very jealous,” she teased.

Tessa looked around the waiting room, and a surge of warmth welled up in her heart. “Thanks to the baby, I guess.” She rubbed her belly, a sweet smile curling her lips. She then gave Alice a look of gratitude. “You did a lot for us, Alice. Thank you. For everything.”

“It’s nothing. Not like I’m doing it for free. Sofia pays me a lot for this.” Alice winked cheekily. “But if you can convince her to increase my bonus, that’d be swell. Makes for better motivation,” she teased Tessa.

Tessa chuckled. They happily went around the place, and Tessa took a lot of pictures and shared them with Nicholas after the

“Nice training center you got.” “I think it’s nice too.” She told him everything about

thought Sofia had done well. “She did well.” They made small talk, and then he asked,

smiled. “I can pick you up. I’m seeing a client nearby.” Tessa happily agreed. The couple returned to Dynasty Gardens

Andrew approached them, a smile hanging

can only mean one thing. The calligraphy competition’s results are out. She held

moment the couple entered, both of them stood up. “Mommy, Daddy, you’re back.

Gregory already knew the results seeing how excited he was. She bent over and

to wait until you guys came back, but I’m sure I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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