Always Been Yours

Chapter 1175

Chapter 1175 Family Talk

Yet, his disappointment was replaced by anticipation not long after. Daddy promised me the gift. I’ll get it sooner or later. At this thought, he waddled around in excitement.

While they were chatting happily, Andrew came in and announced, “Sir, madam, Master Timothy and Master Kieran are here.” Kieran and Timothy made their entrance.

“Fancy seeing you two together.” Tessa was surprised to see them together. Timothy smiled. “I ran into Kieran this afternoon, so we thought we’d have a drink tonight. He said Nicholas has a lot of good stuff, so here we are. In his words, we’re here to clean out the cellar.”

“You want to clean out my cellar?” Nicholas shot his brother a killer look. Kieran cowered at once and shouted for help. “Help me, Tess!”

Tessa was amused. A while later, everyone started talking about Gregory and his getting first place in the competition. “He got first place out of a few thousand contestants. That’s awesome.” Kieran gawked at the boy.

broke the record of the youngest champion.”

“It’s his first competition. Shouldn’t you give him something to commemorate the event? You’re his uncles, after all.” Hey, they’re

should, but I didn’t know you

“Me too. I’ll give you something next

fine with it, and then they sat down for a little chat. Tessa asked, “Tim, you told me you have something important to handle. How’s

client’s a bit of a hassle, but I can handle this, sis. Don’t worry,” Timothy answered. Gently,

was thankful for his

asked her about the performance. “How are the preparations going? Do you need

the bad parts, and before they knew it,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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