Always Been Yours

Chapter 1176

Chapter 1176 Tickle

“Fine, then!” Kieran mumbled his rebuttal. In fact, he wasn’t sure if Nicholas would let him have the wine, so he just stared at Nicholas and hoped that he would agree.

Nicholas doted on his brother, so he asked Andrew to get some of his good wine for them, and the gentlemen popped the bottle open.

Oh, they need some drunk food for this. She made some drunk foods for them and served them up on the table. Kieran speared a piece of meat. It felt chewy and juicy. He couldn’t have enough of it.

“This is good. There’s nothing like Tessa’s cooking. Nobody cooks as well as she does.” Gregory raised his head proudly. “Of course. Mommy’s the best cook in the world.”

He really idolizes his mother. Kieran smiled, and he nodded. “Yeah, she’s the best cook I’ve ever seen. I envy you, Tim. You grew up with her cooking.” He looked at Timothy. Timothy arched his eyebrow. “You got a problem with that?”

anyway, not yours.” “The hell she isn’t. She’s my sister-in-law.” Kieran cocked his eyebrow and looked at Timothy

“She is, but she has a husband, a child, an unborn

shut up and speared more food. Disgruntled, he said, “I’m going to eat as much as I can. Tim, you grew up with her cooking, and you, Nick, you can have her cooking anytime

over food. Have some dignity, will you? Nicholas shot him a look of

her to

and Nicholas played along by shooting his brother a

I didn’t mean that,” he apologized quickly. And then he said, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have dreamed of having Tessa cook for me. She’s a

thought this was amusing, and she

conversation. He waddled about and cutely said, “If you want home cooking, why don’t you find

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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