Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1209

Chapter 1209 Such a Coward

With that, Oliver left crossly, leaving Wanda sitting on the couch alone, her face was dark and ugly. On the other hand, Nicholas was relieved to see that the netizens were distracted by Oliver’s scandal.

Seeing this, Kieran took the opportunity to claim credit and said, “How did I do? I did a good job on this matter, right? How do you plan to reward me?”

“Do you really want a reward for helping your sister-in-law?” Nicholas glanced over. Just as Kieran was shaking his head and saying that he wouldn’t dare, Nicholas’ cold voice sounded in his ears again.

“However, if you seek justice for her, a reward isn’t out of the question.” “What reward?” Kieran immediately asked curiously.

Nicholas pretended to be secretive and said, “This depends on how well you handle things.” “Okay, I’ll take care of this matter! I will definitely seek justice for Tessa!”

Then, Kieran left happily. In fact, even if his brother didn’t offer him a reward, he would still find a way to help Tessa out. After all, he would never let Tessa be wronged unjustly.

In the afternoon of the same day, news about Hadfield Group broke out again on the Internet. It turned out that after Kieran went back, he used his personal social media account to call Oliver out.

to come out and fight me openly? How shameless are you to bully my pregnant sister-in-law online? How did the Hadfield Family raise you into such a

this was posted, all the netizens

only moments later that they realized that the Hadfield Group was the

shameless. They couldn’t go against the Sawyer Group, so they turned

wonder President Sawyer and Master Kieran are so angry and brought this up one after another. If it were me, I would be

selfie. She simply wanted to share her

Wanda had something to do with Oliver’s

this woman.’ ‘Doubt? She’s definitely involved in this. Oliver is her fiancé, and this woman had plotted

both have the same rotten cores.’ Right now, the Hadfield Group

things very much. At this moment, she

going on, but she didn’t pay any attention

she had more than 24 hours

Wanda gradually grew more scrupulous after the bad publicity on the Internet. Soon, public opinion about them also gradually became more neutral on the

and the seats were all sold out. The media even reported the event. Many netizens were very

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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