Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1210

Chapter 1210 A Bright Future Ahead of Her

Kieran looked at his serious grandfather, then turned his head and joked with Timothy, “My grandpa was really hypocritical just now. He said to us that he wasn’t coming, but when we went to pick him up, he had already gotten ready in advance.”

Timothy laughed a little, thinking that such an awkward version of Remus was a bit adorable, and his feelings toward Remus improved a lot in his heart.

He raised his eyes to look at Remus, but unexpectedly, their eyes met, so he nudged Kieran who was still talking beside him. “What’s wrong?” Kieran wasn’t aware, so he asked aloud.

Timothy could only signal him to look at Remus. At this time, Kieran finally noticed Remus’ unfriendly gaze, so he hurriedly chuckled and changed the subject. “Grandpa, don’t you think our location here has a better view than any other in this auditorium? This is a section specially reserved for us by Tessa.”

The old man snorted coldly.

Kieran didn’t mind too much. Then, he looked around the other seats and found that many famous local musical artists had come to watch the performance. There were even many celebrities who came to support Tessa.

“Grandpa, look! Isn’t Tessa’s concert very well-known? This is the first time she’s holding a concert, yet there are so many bigwigs from the industry here. It’s clear that Tessa is exceptional.” Kieran praised Tessa in front of his grandfather on behalf of his brother.

said proudly, “Uncle Kieran, of course, Mommy is the best.” Everyone else laughed at his

said in a cheerful and affectionate voice, “Tessa is an excellent woman. She’s truly outstanding, and she’s the only treasure that I

time. “Next, let us invite our protagonist tonight, Miss

the atmosphere, the host excitedly announced Tessa to perform on stage. Following his words, all the lights went

center of the stage, and Tessa slowly walked onto the stage in

with a smile, she picked up her violin and

she chose the ‘Czardas Dance’, which had a lively

violin skills, and they couldn’t help but close their

night, on the grand stage and under the spotlight, Tessa performed various styles of repertoire. What was more, the violin that she used was changed again. There

stopped taking pictures from the beginning to the end of the

a violin

hand was a unique one, and he quickly informed his coworkers. Soon, they discovered that there were several expensive and famous violins played by Tessa that night, and they hurriedly took many

already write a news piece on these famous

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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