Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1214

Chapter 1214 She’s Done a Good Job Indeed

Instead of accepting the invitation on Tessa’s behalf, he replied, “I have to ask Tessa about this first.” After hanging up the phone, he got up to look for Tessa.

Tessa was sitting on the couch in the living room. Alice, sitting next to her, was reporting on her work. Seeing Nicholas come downstairs, Alice stood up and greeted him, saying, “President Sawyer.”

Nicholas nodded before sitting directly next to Tessa. “Are you done yet?” He turned to look at her. Tessa smiled faintly. “Almost. Do you need anything from me?”

“I’ve got something good to tell you.” Nicholas smiled before explaining how the government had invited her to work as the ambassador for the Charity Foundation for Children with Congenital Diseases.

Alice was astonished to hear this. “That’s great news!” Tessa was surprised, too; little did she think someone from the government would actually approach her. “Nicholas, is this true?” she asked again, still in disbelief. After all, she had only given her first performance in the country yesterday.

her hand with a smile. “It’s true, of course.

bright smile. Moreover, the government’s support will make it easier for me to work for charitable causes

seeing this, Alice instantly got into work mode, asking Nicholas for some details. After learning of the details later, she contacted the government to finalize the date and time when Tessa would film a

time Kieran proudly mentioned Tessa being invited to work as the ambassador for the charity foundation. “Grandpa, Dad, Mom, I’ve got

Stefania, and Tobias were surprised to hear this. Stefania turned to look at Tessa in astonishment, asking, “Did you accept

We’re now finalizing the date for the filming

proudly chimed in next to her, “Grandma, isn’t Mommy

Stefania was sincerely happy for Tessa this time. Nevertheless, she was worried about the latter’s health condition. “Filming the promotional

the filming this time to take part in charity work in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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