Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1213

Chapter 1213 A Surprise Invitation

Some netizens and fans even left comments on Sofia’s official website in the country, thinking they’d like to listen to more of it. One of them commented, ‘Miss Sofia, please get our diva to give another special performance soon.’

Another agreed, ‘Count me in! Her music is simply divine. I think I’ll never get tired of listening to it all my life.’ ‘I hope she’ll give another performance. I think every piece she plays is classic.’

Although the netizens and fans were very much looking forward to Tessa’s second performance, their wish was destined to fall through. This was because Sofia was asked this question in an interview by the host. “Many are now eager for Miss Reinhart to give another performance. Miss Sofia, could you tell us whether you have any arrangements for this?”

“I’m sorry about this, but Tessa won’t be giving another special performance in the near future,” Sofia replied while sitting gracefully on the couch.

Astounded, the host immediately asked, “Why won’t Miss Reinhart give another performance? Her performance this time was a huge success. Miss Sofia, aren’t you gonna have her follow that up with another successful performance?”

Sofia explained, “Of course, I hope Tessa will do better and better, but a special performance is very physically demanding. Tessa will be giving birth soon, so another performance will be too much for her. And besides, this time’s special performance was already her limit.”

very disappointed to

and fans were disappointed, too. One of them commented, ‘What

too bad, but it’s

perform after giving birth to her child! It’ll definitely

‘Me too.’

Tessa’s Twitter account just to be the first to receive news of her

the Sawyer Family was also flooded with compliments. In just half a

really got a great daughter-in-law!

not at all. Don’t you have an outstanding daughter-in-law too?” Stefania replied modestly. Inwardly, though, she was

happened to Tobias. “Tobias, you’ve picked a great wife for your son. We’re so envious of you. Now the Sawyer Group

true. With all proceeds from the performance going to charity, the Sawyer Group was winning

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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