Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1232

During the meal, Wanda poured out glasses of wine for Remus, Tobias, and Stefania. However, Remus raised his eyebrows and began to form educated guesses when he observed her behavior. Then, he subconsciously glanced at Horace, his best friend.

After so many years of friendship, Horace instantly knew what Remus meant by that glance, and he responded with a subtle nod.

When Wanda had finished filling the glasses with wine, she stood off to the side. Then, she said sincerely, “Old Master Sawyer, Mr. Sawyer, Mrs. Sawyer, today’s meal is not simply because grandpa wanted to meet up with you. We invited you here today because I also want to apologize for my previous immature behavior.” Following that, she bowed to the Sawyers.

Tobias and Stefania were stunned when they noticed the girl’s action. Nevertheless, Tobias’ wife was even more shocked and pondered, There’s something unusual about her bowing to us. Still, I can’t put my finger on what’s wrong with her.

Then, Horace observed their reactions before speaking languidly to help his granddaughter. “Speaking of which, I am grateful for my illness. It truly made Wanda grow up and open her mind. I hope you can give her another chance.”

The last sentence was directed at Remus. In his mind, any dissent from the other Sawyers would be moot as long as Remus spoke up.

However, Remus was aware of Horace’s schemes, but he said nothing. Instead, he turned to scrutinize Wanda from head to toe. She no longer exudes a caustic air but rather one of gentility. Then, he looked away from her and secretly nodded to himself. “Everyone makes mistakes,” he calmly said. “As long as one can turn over a new leaf, everything is forgiven.”

Stefania and Tobias dropped the subject once

the two families would be devastating for everyone involved, so there was no point in harboring resentment. Since the conflict had been resolved, the rest of the meal

Wanda initiated a conversation with Stefania about fashion, makeup, and other related topics. Meanwhile, the men kept themselves busy

and accompanied him

happiness, Remus drank a great deal of wine throughout the night,

evening, Stefania and Tobias knew they had to inform Nicholas and his family about what

room when the couple walked in, and he was overjoyed to see them. “Grandma, Grandpa, why are you here?”

missed you,” said Stefania. She tenderly lifted him into

did. I really missed you, Grandma.” He solemnly nodded before kissing her on the cheek.

walked over to them. They greeted the elderly couple with smiles before inviting. them to

belly and inquired concernedly, “How have you been? Is the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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