Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1233

“That would not be necessary,” Nicholas said. Then, he held Tessa’s hand as he continued calmly, “Grandpa silently allowed it in the first place. To put it bluntly, both parties are in the wrong. I will not force Wanda to apologize to us. I only want her to stop bothering us.”

Stefania and Tobias frowned, realizing what their son had said made sense. In the end, she turned to look at Tessa. ‘Do you think that too?” Tessa was pleasantly surprised that her opinion mattered to Stefania. So, Tessa glanced at

Nicholas and nodded, “I also think an apology doesn’t matter much as long as she doesn’t trouble us in the future.”

Anyway, she had already taught Wanda al lesson. Moreover, Tessa did not tell Stefania about it because she did not want her mother- in-law to have a negative impression of her.

So, when the elderly couple saw that Nicholas and Tessa were not bothered by the issue, they stopped talking about it..

Then, Stefania asked the servant to bring Gregory back into the room. Nevertheless, the little guy did not even know that he had been intentionally lured away earlier.

Soon, he returned to the room with a bundle of flowers that he separated into two bouquets.

Grandma, I found the prettiest flowers in

and Tessa thanked him at the same time. Tobias felt somewhat jealous at that sight. “That’s not fair, Greg. Grandma has

Grandpa.” Gregory then dashed over to kiss his grandpa on the cheek. The gesture eventually pacified Tobias. Afterward, the family chatted

couple decided to head back home. Before leaving, they recalled something

when you head to work tomorrow. Don’t tire yourself out.” Stefania’s reminder came out of concern.

stop worrying.” Stefania replied. “You travel so far and work so hard. If worse comes to worst, why don’t you quit?” The more she spoke, the more

 While the Sawyers would benefit from

her. She could tell the elderly couple genuinely cared about her. “We made the deal a long time ago. Breaking the contract

had no choice but to turn her focus to Nicholas. “Keep a close eye on her tomorrow. Do not let anything happen to her or the baby, or you will have

Alice drove Tessa to the set while

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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