Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1234

Tessa patiently responded to all of the greetings sent her way. At that moment, a makeup artist walked over to the group. “Hello, Miss Reinhart. My name is Amy, and I will be your makeup artist today.”

“Hello.” Tessa responded with a polite greeting. Then, Amy nodded and began to busy herself with work. “Do you have any ideas for today’s shooting, Miss Reinhart?” she asked.

Tessa looked at herself in the mirror and hesitated. Moments later, she smiled. “I think I look quite good today. I don’t need a lot of makeup. Why don’t you add some color to my lips? As long as it makes me look a little livelier, it’s enough.”

“Do you plan to appear on camera without makeup?” Amy inquired because she was surprised by her response. The rest of the crew overheard the conversation and thought Tessa was quite bold to do that.

On the other hand, Tessa had no idea that she needed to wear a certain amount of makeup for the shoot. So, she nodded and spoke in a melodious voice, “This is a public service announcement, after all.

I don’t think I need to have exquisite makeup on. Looking natural and real would give people a better impression.” “You’re right,” Amy replied. With a nod, she began to put some lipstick on Tessa.

done with her makeup. One had to admit that even though she only had some lipstick on,

against her skin made her look extraordinarily healthy. In addition, she was dressed in a white dress that exposed her smooth skin. It made her look so elegant and ethereal that everyone who looked at her felt

he patiently explained the video’s core message to her. “The main vision for the video is healing and new life. To put it bluntly, we want to

she was perceptive, and by the time the director had finished explaining, she had a basic grasp of the concept. “Let me give it a go,” she suggested. “See if it is what you want. If not, we can tweak

nodded and ordered the crew to stand by. Then, she stood in front of the cameras and presented the concept she had

performance. That was because what she acted out was much better than he had anticipated. Moreover, he

it up. Camera one, focus

a white dress at that moment, so her on-screen appearance was exceptionally pristine and stunning. Moreover, she appeared to exude a very calming and

to ache due to her pregnant belly and constant movement throughout the morning. In addition, her back ached so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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