Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1243

“I’m serious about this. I will not marry him!” With that being said, Wanda wheeled around and ran out. “Wanda Muller, get back here!” Horace roared at her immature behavior. The Hadfield couple’s expression dimmed too.

The only person unsurprised was Oliver. He had long figured that she would not give in that easily. However, he had set his heart to marry her. “I’ll check on her.” He chased after her.

Belinda’s flawless face darkened. “Mr. Muller, if Wanda is against this marriage, we won’t force her. You can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink.”

At that moment, Horace’s rage went through the roof, not only because of Wanda but because of the Hadfields’ attitude. Although Belinda said that, they intended to wrap Wanda around their fingers.

At the same time, Oliver sprinted to the gates to catch up with Wanda and grabbed her hand. Noticing that it was him, she struggled to free herself from him. “Let me go!”

a side and sneered. “Think about your reputation, Wanda. You failed to win Nicholas’ heart, so who’s gonna marry you other

if no one wants me, I will never marry a b*stard like you!” She slapped him in the face. One could see

You’re the one who came to me first. You tricked me and used

not retort to his statements as anger rushed in her blood. At that very second, she rued her past

in her nuance, but it hurt

marriage. Of course, it’s under the

never marry you even if it means death, Oliver Hadfield!” She broke free from his grasp and turned

made him stand out. He was about to go

felt completely embarrassed to meet the handsome man. She parted her lips to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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