Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1244

To prevent Horace from pressuring her into marriage, Wanda worked around the clock in hopes of fleeing the country as soon as possible.

In the following month, she settled most of the work, and the collaboration with the Sawyer Group was the only remaining.

Today, she specially visited the Sawyer Group to terminate the collaboration between the two companies. Due to the smidgen of anticipation, she dolled herself up on that very day.

Edward knocked on the door before entering the presidential room at Sawyer Group. “President Sawyer, Wanda is here.”

“See her out.” Nicholas gave a downright answer. Edward hesitated. “But she said she’s here to terminate the collaboration with us.”

Slightly surprised, Nicholas finally agreed to meet her. Soon, Edward led her into the office.

Today, she appeared professional and charming in formal office wear, which outlined her voluptuous body curve.

However, it did not catch on Nicholas’ eyes as he immediately got down to business. “Edward

you’re here to end the collaboration between

we’ve benefitted tons from you and Master Kieran’s care, but I’ve been causing trouble this whole time. I don’t deserve your help and wish to put my past to

eyes fixed

remained rigid. “Fine

did not take Edward long to bring it over to them. As such, Nicholas signed

man did not bear any feelings for her from the start until the

by both parties, the collaboration had officially come to

send Miss Wanda off.” Nicholas had no intention to waste any more time with her. “This way, Miss


end, she covered her mouth and made

The weight on her chest and nausea made her uncomfortable. She struggled to

was in the dining room, coldly snorted and continued his meal. They had been

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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