Always Been Yours

Chapter 1286

“Thank you for letting me know, doctor. I’ll think about your suggestion,” Timothy uttered while nodding at the doctor. Later that night, Amber was sent back to her ward. Timothy’s expression was grim as he entered the room- he was close to losing his temper at her.

“What are you trying to do now? Tessa got injured, and she barely survived the accident. I have to take care of her. I don’t have any additional time to fool around with you! If you want to die so badly, you should just find an empty spot and hide away to die there. Stop being such a bother!” Timothy hissed.

Amber’s face turned sour as well. “You can ignore me if you don’t have time for me. Just let me die on my own here,” she mumbled in a frustrated tone. This only made Timothy even more furious.

“You say that, yet you’re the one who contacted Tessa and me in the first place. You wouldn’t have done that if you genuinely wanted to die!” he cried. Amber did not argue against his statement. It was true-she had been afraid to die at first.

Timothy took a deep breath as he stared at the old woman who had gone silent. “I’m giving you a final warning-Tessa and I will no longer show you the same care if you fool around again. We’ve already given you more than you deserve from us, anyway.”

of the room after that, and Amber was left with the nanny who had been hired to

of you, Old Mrs. Reinhart. If you want to live for a few more years, you should really listen to the doctors. You shouldn’t joke around

the room. There’s no hope for this old woman. She has the chance to enjoy her life, yet

She also thought about the suffering that she was put through during her recent chemotherapy. “Since my life is a mistake, I might as well end it all now. Everyone will be free of their responsibilities, and

to a firm decision. After that, she tore off the tubes that were connected to her hands before

the window outside Tessa’s room and saw how everyone was so genuinely concerned about Tessa’s condition. Furthermore,

However, Amber knew that Tessa and Timothy didn’t want to hear her apologies at that point. That was, therefore, the first time Amber felt like her existence

he headed back to look for his sister. Tessa noticed that Timothy seemed rather unhappy when he walked in. “Did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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