Always Been Yours

Chapter 1287

Tessa noticed the troubled look on her brother’s face. “What is it?” she asked worriedly. “Old Mrs. Reinhart has disappeared and I have to go look for her. Don’t worry about it, Tessa. You should just focus on your recovery.” Timothy hurried off after that. However, Tessa didn’t feel too reassured by his words.

Later in the evening, when Nicholas arrived at the hospital, he found Tessa resting in bed with a glum look on her face. “Did something happen?” he asked with a look of concern in his eyes. Tessa hesitated for a moment before she decided to be honest with him.

“It’s Old Mrs. Reinhart. Her condition was worsening in the afternoon, so Timothy went over to visit her. I believe they fought and Old Mrs. Reinhart seems to have run away from the hospital now. Timothy went to look for her, but I’m still a little worried,” Tessa uttered.

“Let me handle this. I’ll get my men to find her. You don’t have to worry about it.” Nicholas didn’t want Tessa to worry about this matter, so he offered to take matters into his own hands. Soon enough, he got Edward to head out and find the old woman.

In the meantime, the old woman that everyone was searching for had actually returned to the Reinhart Family’s old villa. After Timothy heard about this, he rushed back to the house. He slammed the door behind him with a bang and stormed into the house to find Amber sitting on the couch with a despondent look on her face. Timothy was furious when he saw that.

think Tessa and I are too afraid to exert more control

In contrast to Timothy’s rage, Amber was in a state of peace. However, her words only made the man angrier than ever. “Oh, now you’re saying that you want to die, huh? Well, it’s too late for that!” Timothy stomped over and grabbed the old woman’s arm. “Come

still bother to keep me alive?” Amber tried to wrestle away from

hated you when we were younger. We still hate you now, but we’re willing

your fault for treating us the way you did in the past!” Timothy continued walking out the door without looking back after that. When he got back to

you found Old Mrs. Reinhart,” Nicholas

back to the old Reinhart Residence. She wanted to sit around and wait for her death, but I got others

her ears. She thought of Amber as someone who cherished her own life, and she couldn’t picture the elderly woman wanting to give up and die. “Is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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