Always Been Yours

Chapter 1291

In the end, Timothy simply gave up on his work. and shut his eyes to rest behind his desk instead. After a while, he heard a knock on his door. Sabrina entered the room in her usual formal and smart outfit. “Miss Neilman told me that you were looking for me, Mr. Reinhart, she murmured.

Timothy opened his eyes to find himself staring at the young lady, who looked especially dainty. and bright that day. He felt frustrated for some reason. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were taking half the day off?” he asked in a rather rude tone. Sabrina was about to explain herself when Timothy continued lecturing her. “I don’t care what your reason is, but I don’t want to hear of you leaving work to engage in non-work- related matters in the future!”

Sabrina froze when she realized how agitated Timothy seemed to be. She was surprised at first, but she then felt a surge of joy as she thought, Does this mean that Timothy actually cares about me? With that thought in mind, she tried to test him out. “Do you know why I took half the day off, Mr. Reinhart?”

“You went on a blind date when you were supposed to be working! Who permitted you to do that?” Timothy barked at Sabrina. He didn’t seem to realize the hopeful twinkle in her eyes. Sabrina hastily explained herself when she realized that the man had misunderstood her. “My family made these last-minute arrangements and I simply couldn’t reject them. I promise this will not happen again,’ she said.

“I don’t care if there’s a next time. You don’t have to explain yourself to me!’ Timothy hissed. Sabrina’s heart sank when she saw the icy look on the man’s face. Did he say that he doesn’t care? So, he’s not bothered at all.

hung low. “Do you have any other orders, Mr. Reinhart?” she asked in

“It’s fine. Just go back to work,”

glum look flashed across his eyes as he sat alone behind his desk. He felt terrible. He had intended to use his work to distract himself from his feelings, but he couldn’t seem to do that at all. His work

to head home for an early night. Once he got home, he took a quick shower before lying in bed and preparing to sleep. However, he couldn’t

sense of frustration in his chest. “What’s wrong with me?” Timothy was utterly dumbfounded. He ended up opening a bottle of wine and after

and brushed her teeth before he fed her some breakfast. Gregory was with them and he was extremely elated to be with

Do you want some?” Tessa turned to look at her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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