Always Been Yours

Chapter 1292

Gregory looked at Timothy with worry in his eyes. “Are you alright, Uncle Tim?” Timothy patted the boy’s head and half-lied, “I’m fine. I didn’t sleep well, that’s all.”

Thinking that her brother lost sleep because he was worried about her, Tessa said, “I’m getting better now. You don’t have to come to the hospital all the time. You have work to do, so don’t push yourself.”

“I know. Don’t worry, Tess.’ He didn’t want her to worry about him. Then, Tessa shot him a glare. “I can’t stop worrying about you. You’ve been neglecting your rehab lately.”

Timothy scratched his nose. Yeah. I haven’t been doing it. Still, he argued, ‘I can’t waste my time on rehab when you’re hurt.”

anymore, so you’re returning to rehab. Your legs are getting a lot better, but that doesn’t mean you can slack off. You have to keep it up. Doctor’s orders. Keep this up, and you can walk like normal

better than they used to, and nobody would notice his shuffle if he walked a bit faster. It looked like he was fully healed, but Tessa wanted him to

came Sabrina with a thermos. “Hey, Tess. It’s me again.” When she saw Timothy as well,

her the cold shoulder. Nonetheless, she took a deep breath and held down her emotions. Then, she approached Tessa with the thermos. “I got you some leek and potato

have to bring this for

promised I’d do this. Yes, the Sawyers can do better, but I want to do my part too. I hope you’ll like this.” Then,

at the soup in her hand. I just had some chicken soup. Suddenly, she laughed. “You guys keep giving me so much

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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