Always Been Yours

Chapter 1293

Sabrina said a quick goodbye and left in at hurry. If she stayed for a moment longer, she thought she would cry. Still, Tessa noticed her downtrodden emotion and shot her brother a look. “Are you guys fighting?”

However, Timothy pursed his lips and denied, “No. You’re reading too much into it.”

“Am I?” She doubted his words. Nevertheless, she felt her brother was hiding something, but since he didn’t want to talk, she didn’t ask.

Meanwhile, Sabrina went home. She came from a wealthy family and could have had an easy life if she hadn’t wanted to court Timothy.

Soon, the butler approached her and took the thermos off her hands. “You are back, Miss.”

was about to go upstairs, she ran into her parents. One glance and they knew their daughter was in a bad mood. So, they stopped in their tracks

did this. I’ll whoop his At that moment, Sabrina couldn’t hold her feelings anymore, not when her parents came to her aid. “Daddy, Mommy, I wonder if I

Reinhart kid again. Figario felt for

but now she was working as Timothy’s assistant and brewed soup every day for Tessa. Moreover, Sabrina hadn’t even done that for her parents. Still, that kid won’t give

heard that, she

to your daddy.” She shot him a glare.

time of day after all she did for him. Now that she’s disappointed in him, I’m going to make her give up on him. I have to be

him. What’s so bad about the guy I introduced? Also, what’s so good about that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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