Always Been Yours

Chapter 1311

The reporters on site eagerly filmed that scene. Tessa, who was on the stage at that moment, was so dazzling that it made it difficult for people to move their attention away from her.

As her song came to an end, the audience applauded her as she bowed and got herself down the stage. Once she was off the stage, the smile on her face immediately vanished as she suddenly felt sad.

Her performance was indeed beautiful for people not well-versed in music, but she knew that her tone was flat, and her fingers were stiff.

Sofia walked over and saw the dejected look on her face. “It’s okay. You’ll find the feeling again when you recover. What’s important now is your health.”

“I understand.” Tessa nodded and regained her composure. In the blink of an eye, it was the afternoon, and the guests all moved into the restaurant under the guidance of the hotel staff.

Many people gave Remus a toast when the food was being served.

There was also a group of people surrounding Tobias and his son. The atmosphere was relaxed as everybody chatted merrily as the night was still young.

the stage. As Tessa couldn’t

a little tired after the meal. Nicholas still had his

as he saw that she was ready to retire, he immediately nodded to the others before excusing himself, ‘My wife’s tired. I’ll

sound asleep, and left the banquet hall to the

envious as they watched Nicholas and Tessa leave the hall. “President Sawyer treats

Tessa for receiving President Sawyer’s unconditional love.” “I would

were done, Tessa lay on the bed looking exhausted, as if she was going to pass out anytime

see her like that and leaned forward to kiss her forehead and said gently, “Sleep if you’re tired. Leave the guests to me. I’ll deal with them for the

She nodded lightly and soon fell into at deep slumber. When she woke up, the baby shower had already ended. Nicholas was holding Gordon and

heart was filled with such tenderness and happiness from just watching them interact with each other.

he carried Gordon over before asking with concern,

service, then.” Then, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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