Always Been Yours

Chapter 1312

Tessa carefully held Gordon in her arms. Now that he was full, he had become a rather squirmy yet adorable little caterpillar. As she inhaled the unique newborn baby scent emitting from him, she couldn’t help but kiss him gently. “My baby smells so good.”

“Ahh.” He thought she was playing with him and cooed joyfully while waving his hands around.

Tessa stared lovingly at him as he gazed back at her with innocent eyes. The smile on his face never left his face while he began kicking around due to excitement.

“Ahh. Ooh,” Gordon gurgled happily. He was an utterly adorable little bean. His babbling sounds melted Tessa’s heart as well as Nicholas’.

On the other hand, Gregory commented excitedly. “Mommy, Little Brother is laughing so happily!” “Yes. That’s right.”

Tessa nodded in agreement and observed Gordon. Then, she exclaimed as if she had found something out of this world, “Nicholas, look. Don’t you think Gordon looks like Gregory when he smiles?”

Of course, they do. They are biological brothers, after all. Nicholas thought to himself.

look and widened his eyes in surprise. “Mommy, Little Brother does

after this discovery. “Little Brother, I’m your older brother.

out and waved to Gordon with smiling eyes. At the same time, Gordon suddenly grabbed onto his finger and cooed at him as

day after the baby shower.. Unfortunately, they had to leave soon since they still had a lot of work with the orchestra

I’ll wait for your return.”

care, Tessa. We’ll hold a comeback concert once you’ve recovered.” Tessa felt her heart warm from all their genuine care and

her usual days of resting at home. However, Mona didn’t leave because the Hathaway Philharmonic would be coming over in a few days for

day, Timothy and Sabrina came over to pay Tessa and her children a visit. While Tessa and Timothy

looked at Sabrina, who

But he doesn’t know. Although she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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