Always Been Yours

Chapter 1314

Everything would be fine if that b*tch died! The hatred in Susan almost consumed her as she thought about what a good life Tessa was living now.

How can that woman live so happily now, but I have to live like a mouse in a gutter and hide?

“I swear, Tessa, that I will take my revenge for the pain you inflicted on me. I will make your life even worse than hell for hurting me!”

Susan hissed through gritted teeth as the veins bulged on her forehead, making her a rather terrifying sight. Susan loathed Tessa now more than ever and truly wished Tessa dead.

In her opinion, it was Tessa that led to all of her misfortunes. If it weren’t for Tessa joining the Hathaway Philharmonic, she would still be the brightest lead violinist in the orchestra!

Tessa ruined her career. She even destroyed her hands. Her dreams!

Susan’s hand had recovered a month ago, but she hadn’t been able to play the violin. Until now, she still remembered the exact words the doctor said.

well, there will still be

had played the violin all her

she could do it. Alas, the results were devastating. Eventually, she stopped trying and began wallowing

a madwoman, wasting herself away. In the end, her father couldn’t bear to see her in that

the orchestra, probably because she pitied Susan and felt that it was

your injury, but you can’t just give up because

to console Susan after seeing her giving

that would ignite some fire in her to

that she had endured during this time, she was filled with such vitriol that

like she used to. “Karma’s a b*tch, Tessa! Just you

miserable she was. So,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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