Always Been Yours

Chapter 1315

Nicholas instructed Mona seriously and didn’t hesitate to repeat his number just in case. She bobbed her head and promised, “I’ll take good care of Tessa.”

He nodded and gently reminded Tessa to be careful before departing. After he left, Mona pushed Tessa into the theater and saw Hathaway, who was greeting her friends and colleagues in the hallway.

Mona looked down at Tessa, silently asking if she wanted to go over, to which Tessa nodded lightly. As they neared Hathaway, Tessa greeted her with a small smile, “Miss Hathaway.”

“Miss Tessa.” Hathaway smiled and nodded as she scrutinized her worriedly. “How are you feeling? I heard about the accident and have been following it online.”

“Thank you for asking. I’m feeling better now.” Tessa politely answered her.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Hathaway excused herself as she had to deal with other matters while Tessa and Mona went to find Tessa’s seat.

As they conversed during their journey, they didn’t expect to bump into Susan, who looked as though she was deliberately searching for them. “Why is she here?” Tessa frowned in confusion.

from her broken arm. So, she still can’t play the violin. Her position

dislike of Susan. Of course, no one would like someone who had repeatedly tried to harm

their path. “Oh, my. Isn’t this the famous genius musician Miss Tessa, the young madam

looked mockingly at Tessa with deep

a mean and bitter expression. “Oh, forgive me. I forgot that you were involved in a

Miss Hathaway was being nice to take you

and didn’t

don’t you just follow after her heels like the mutt you are since you’re so loyal, hm? Why are you still

and Tessa’s faces turned

at a mirror before running your mouth. Who are you to say things like

Tessa?” Susan was furious and glared at

bit intimidated and merely graced her with a sneer, “Why? Scared to admit it? Even if you don’t admit it, God is fair. You are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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