Always Been Yours

Chapter 1316

Mona wasn’t scared in the slightest. She warned coldly, “It’s you who should leave. Tessa is my distinguished guest, and I’d advise you to be careful with your actions.”

With those words, she forcefully shook off Susan’s grasp, causing the woman to clench her teeth and tremble in anger. However, Mona paid her no mind and led Tessa to the VIP lounge.

Susan watched their every move with a bitter gaze and suddenly laughed. “Oh, to ride on the coattails of her son and become the legitimate madam of the Sawyers. It’s no wonder she’s so full of herself now and has the power to reprimand others this way.”

Tessa couldn’t help but notice the sarcasm in her words.

She wasn’t one to be trifled with, though, so she fired back. “Mona, did a dog sneak into the concert? I swear I heard one barking. Perhaps you should ask security to check it out. We wouldn’t want a barking dog to scare the audience tonight, would we?”

She deliberately avoided Susan’s gaze and looked around her seat as if searching for something. Mona couldn’t help but laugh out loud at her friend’s sharp retort.

is one here. I’ll go and get security right now! Susan’s face turned red with anger as she listened

as she was about to explode, Hathaway’s assistant arrived. “Susan, Miss Hathaway wants to

avoid any conflicts. Susan also knew exactly why Hathaway was asking for

of relief and complained, “I have no idea why Miss

You should go prepare for that. Don’t worry about me.” Tessa

they had lost quite a bit of time earlier. That night, the show started

and proud of her. She applauded with all her might and cheered her friend on from

stage was also incredibly

musical skills had matured greatly, and she had gained a measure of fame in the music industry. As such, the atmosphere at the concert was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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