Always Been Yours

Chapter 1323

An airplane across the sky just then, and the loud noise made Susan come to her senses. “I suppose Hathaway and the others have left. Now, no one can stop me from doing anything!”

Upon finishing her words, she gulped down the wine and looked resentfully to the north. That was where Tessa was. “The show is about to begin, Tessa. You won’t always be so lucky!”

She put down the wine glass with a thud as the resentment around her seemed to have materialized. She decided to stay because she had to retaliate against Tessa.

Since her arrival at Xerthania, she would see news about Tessa every day. Furthermore, it seemed that Tessa had a lot of followers. It never crossed her mind that Tessa was so popular in the country.

Whenever she thought about this, she felt vexed. She used to own those honors. However, she lost everything because of Tessa.

Since I have nothing left, what right does that b*tch have to own all of those things? I want her to end up like me. I want her followers to dump her and start looking down on her!

walked toward the bed and picked up her phone from the bedside table. before calling her father. “Daddy,

against Tessa, but she was unable to do so due to some external factors. Susan didn’t deny it as she

must ask of you. I hope you won’t make a move personally. Whatever the matter is, tell your subordinates to do it for you. Also, you mustn’t

revenge, but he didn’t want her to repeat

knew what her father meant. As a glint flashed across her eyes, she replied,

Susan had transformed into an entirely different person after hiding in the dark for so long. Walter had no idea what was

what he was trying to say, he went on to remind her, “By the way, the silicone mask on your face has to be

going back. Since your people are coming over, just tell them to bring the stuff to me.”

in any way as he said lovingly, “Alright, I’ll tell them to

separated from her father to chase her dreams back then. Compared to her

as her apprentice,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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