Always Been Yours

Chapter 1324

“Alright.” Edward nodded and left the place. When Nicholas was left alone in the office, he sported an inscrutable expression. He initially thought that if Susan returned to her own country and did something, he might not be able to deal with her.

Nonetheless, the woman decided to make a move while she was in the country, which was no different from digging her own grave. Meanwhile, Tessa was oblivious to everything.

After seeing her friend off, she went on to recuperate at home for half a month. On this day, she was supposed to head to the hospital for a check-up. In the morning, Nicholas pushed his work aside and took Tessa

to the hospital. When they arrived, a nurse brought Tessa to get her check-up.

An hour later, they entered the doctor’s consultation room. “Everything looks good for Miss Tessa. She’ll be able to start walking again in three months.” The doctor congratulated Tessa with a smile.

Tessa and Nicholas exchanged glances with joyful smiles on their faces. Then, Nicholas asked the doctor about Tessa’s condition. “Will she suffer from any sequelae after she recovers?”

normally again, she’ll have to go through rehabilitation. It’ll take her six months before

other hand, Nicholas

When he saw the two of them, he tactfully got out of the vehicle and opened the door for them. Seeing that, Nicholas

they got into the car, Tessa wasn’t willing to let go of the man.

someone had dropped a stone into

replied smilingly, ‘Nothing. I just feel that it’s

on Nicholas’ face widened when he heard that. He took Tessa’s hands and said, “That’s what I’m supposed to say. Thanks for not

up to the man, her eyes curving into crescents. “I have to thank you too. Thanks for not giving

up at Nicholas lovingly. “After escaping

have you realized?” Nicholas looked curiously at her. Tessa’s lips curved into a sweet smile. “I’ve come

at his wife’s sweet smile, Nicholas didn’t interrupt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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