Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1364

Chapter 1364 Proposing the Cooperation

Then, Melina said, “You don’t have to entertain him next time you come. Alcohol is

bad for your body, so don’t drink so much, alright?”

“Okay, Mrs. Gulliver.” Timothy nodded obediently.

Afterward, everyone happily chatted over the meal, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

At that moment, Yaromir brought up the matter of Timothy’s help. “We haven’t thanked

you for resolving our dispute with Prospera Group a few days ago, or we would have

suffered a significant loss.”

“He’s right. You did very well, Timothy,” Figario praised Timothy. “I didn’t expect you to

be so capable of ruining their whole department alone.”

Although Melina wasn’t aware of the issue, seeing how her husband and son

complimented Timothy, she felt even more satisfied with her daughter’s boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Timothy, on the receiving end, felt a little guilty. “Please don’t say that, Mr.

Gulliver, Yaromir. It all started with me, and Gulliver Group suffered the loss because

of me. I should take this chance to apologize.” While saying that, he glanced at the

two and thought he should bring up the proposal he had in mind. “Actually, there is

purpose for my

“What is it about?”

today’s visit, I’ve evaluated your company’s current project. It seems to

Yaromir is

Reinhart Group to join the

As soon as he said that, Figario

because they never expected Timothy to

project urgently required investment. Still, they didn’t hope

cooperation up because of Sabrina. Indirectly, it might cause them

to Timothy. Moreover, they

his company if

Perhaps understanding their concerns, Timothy

I’m bringing this up isn’t for Sabrina’s sake but because the

indeed, has development prospects. I impose a clear line between


heard that, Figario and Yaromir


Then, Timothy continued, “If you’re willing to,

later. We shall go through the process

Even so, Figario

nodded fervently. “If

send you the

I’ll tell my staff to

men continued discussing business matters until they


himself. “It’s almost time for me to go to work


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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