Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1365

Sabrina chuckled, but when she recalled the matter Timothy brought up over

breakfast, she withdrew her smile. “I know it’s great that two of our companies will be

working together, but I hope you’re not trying to help Gulliver Group for my sake. You

really don’t have to do this.”

Sabrina chuckled, but when she recalled the matter Timothy brought up over

breakfast, she withdrew her smile. “I know it’s great that two of our companies will be

working together, but I hope you’re not trying to help Gulliver Group for my sake. You

really don’t have to do this.”

Meanwhile, at Reinhart Group, the secretary entered the office that afternoon with a

file. “Mr. Reinhart, here’s the business proposal sent to us from Gulliver Group.”

“Got it. Just leave it on the table,” Timothy uttered without raising his head.

Hence, the secretary left after placing the document on the table. Shortly after she left,

he finished up his remaining tasks and began reading the proposal that had been

sitting on the table. He couldn’t deny that the proposal was well written as it was

detailed and meticulous.

At that moment, Sabrina entered the room in a hurry. “Tim, Mr., and Mrs. Tompkins

are here.”

“Why are they here?” Timothy

Mr. Henry hasn’t been home

They thought

they came

that, he couldn’t help feeling

not in the office. Could


Sabrina chuckled, but when she recalled the matter Timothy

smile. “I know it’s

you’re not trying to

really don’t have

He understood the meaning behind her words and felt worried

immediately and report him missing because he has been missing

that, however, his phone on the table rang. It was a call

Harper. “Is something

it’s been three days. Have

core technology to me?” Harper’s nonchalant voice

about it, Mr. Quinn,” Timothy retorted

so? What a pity.” Harper

partner and best friend

got so drunk that

as he said that, Timothy’s expression

he questioned through gritted teeth as he exuded a

Then, Harper let out another chuckle. “What are you talking

partner? Anyway, if you’re not interested in the collaboration,

With that, he hung up

Timothy clenched his phone hard with a look of dismay. Although

him Henry’s disappearance was related

evidence to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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