Always Been Yours

Chapter 1386

Chapter 1386 Jealousy

"Fortunately, I'm not very tired."

As she spoke, Tessa put down Gregory and reached for Gordon.

Nicholas asked as he handed Gordon over to her, "Was the performance smooth sailing tonight?"

"Other than a minor mishap halfway through, it was successful overall."

She sat down on the couch with Gordon in her arms and briefly recounted the events of the night.

However, when Nicholas heard about the mishap, he couldn't help but feel worried and asked, "What happened?"

"My dress was deliberately damaged, and someone intended for me to embarrass myself on stage. However, during the performance, someone accidentally stepped on the hem of my dress and accidentally exposed me. I was so scared when I felt my skirt slipping off."

She patted her chest in lingering fear.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

He could imagine how nervous and anxious she must have been at that moment.

"What happened afterward? How was the situation handled?" he asked.

"Thanks to the help of Hobbs, I was able to borrow Freya's dress and avoid ruining the celebration," Tessa said with a grateful look.

for Hobbs. We should thank him

She nodded.

children were getting sleepy, so Tessa took them

a gentle rocking of the cradle, but Gregory kept pestering her for a bedtime story.

and began

of her voice drifted out of the nursery and into Nicholas' ears downstairs. Listening to her voice, he felt

on his face faded as he picked up his phone and made

two people for me. One is named Elisa, and the other is Hobbs. Both of

with someone helping her, she was completely

in her. Why else would he keep

Hobbs had some issues.

about this, Nicholas felt a little suspicious, yet also a little proud.

had become increasingly excellent.

the only problem was that she easily attracted rivals.

know about this. Although he was puzzled upon hearing his boss' orders, he still carried them out.

sounds coming from upstairs, so he planned

didn't go up, she would be tricked by Gregory

it when Gregory acted

that was exactly what happened.

cuteness and agreed to stay.

up and came out, she saw Nicholas pushing the door open.

She looked at him with a

that both children

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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