Always Been Yours

Chapter 1387

Chapter 1387 Hobbs

Nicholas gently placed Tessa on the bed.

In the dim light, her fair skin was partially visible as she was wearing loose pajamas. Her black hair was tied up simply at the back of her head, and although she had no makeup on, she looked exceptionally beautiful.

He looked at her and felt a stirring in his heart.

"You are so beautiful," he said as he leaned in to kiss her soft lips.

She smiled sweetly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and responded passionately.

This was destined to be a sleepless night.

Tessa was tossed around quite a bit, and she was tired after several rounds so much so that she didn't even want to move her fingers.

She felt that Nicholas was particularly passionate tonight.

As a result, she felt happy and reciprocated his passion.

Under the moonlight, they bared themselves to each other as their intense feelings enveloped them. They gave each other all the love they had.

It was a night of passion.

Tessa woke up again, it was already


left the room to

nanny was playing with

children could not communicate with each other yet, they seemed to be having a great

cheerful laughter, Tessa felt

couldn't help but go over and

living room was filled with

while, Tessa sat on the couch and slowly

this point, she remembered

and he

she turned her head to look at the

"Master Nicholas went to the branch office. He left a message that he

show that

the branch office of Sawyer

the office. "President Sawyer, I've found all the information you asked me to look into."

Nicholas put down the work in his hands

are they?"

disciple of Carina, a famous master from Rasnos. She's a talented musician who has been very popular in recent years," Edward replied as he

face remained expressionless as he coldly asked, "So, what

of Miss Tessa and deliberately sabotaged the performance." Edward relayed the information he had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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