Always Been Yours

Chapter 1388

Chapter 1388 Gift

On the phone, Tessa held Gordon and said with a smile, "Miss Sofia is coming over tonight."

"Okay, I'll be back on time."

Nicholas naturally agreed to the arrangement and asked about the situation at home.

The two of them chatted and laughed, accompanied by the innocent voices of their children.

As a family, they were very blissful.

Edward stood by the side, feeling like he was superfluous.

In the end, he quietly left the office.

That night, Sophia came over along with gifts for Gregory and Gordon.

Tessa smiled as she received the gifts. "Miss Sofia, it's good enough that you came. There's no need for gifts."

"My gifts are not for you. They're for Gregory and Gordon. You're not allowed to object," Sophia insisted as she played with Gordon. She couldn't stop.

Tessa pretended to be hurt and joked, "Crap, I'm no longer your favorite."

Sophia nodded seriously.

moment, the living room was filled with laughter and joy.

in the fun, he sat next to them and watched with gentle eyes.

dinner was ready.

at the

her visit. "I'm planning to leave for Vienna tomorrow. Do

looked at Tessa as she spoke.

little tempted.

care of herself during her pregnancy, she left Vienna and had not returned for almost

she did not immediately respond. Instead, she looked at

understood the meaning behind

as he knew that she loved that place.

and couldn't help but say, "Hubby, you're the

his work. "Will this delay your work?" she

in Vienna before, I can do

looked at her indulgently.

from the side, "I can take online classes too, Mommy. You don't

making concessions for her, she was extremely moved.

to them, also found it heart-warming. She smiled and looked at Tessa affectionately. "Since President Sawyer doesn't mind, why don't you

miss them too." Tessa agreed

dinner was a happy one.

going to Vienna, she woke up

up, the family went to the airport to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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