Always Been Yours

Chapter 1391

Chapter 1391 The Queen Has Returned

“Okay, that’s good.” Louis breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Tessa wasn’t lying when he saw her improved complexion. “When we encounter hardship, it will quickly pass, and only good fortune comes after.” He nodded at Tessa.

Tessa agreed with this sentiment. “We have a proverb that goes along the lines of

‘great misfortune may be followed by great fortune’.”

After chatting for a while, he asked about her children. “Why didn’t you bring the kids with you?”

“I took them to the orchestra this morning, and they got tired of playing, so I asked my husband to take them back. If you want to see them, I’ll bring them over another day.”

She smiled.

you staying this time, or

visit this time. I’ll be going back in a

“When will you come back to live

decided yet, but I think it won’t be too long before that day.” She felt that

nodded, and the two talked about what had happened

way back, Nicholas looked at Tessa’s smiling face and asked gently, “Are

cares about me, especially the other members of the orchestra. They didn’t become estranged from me because I suddenly left.” She expressed her feelings at the moment and suddenly smiled sweetly at Nicholas. “I feel

happy like this in the future.” Nicholas looked at

Meanwhile, in Southend.

her room.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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