Always Been Yours

Chapter 1392

Chapter 1392 The Sweet Goodbyes and Separation

“Finally, you guys are back. I was about to call and remind you if you didn’t come back soon.”

She had been missing the children. She didn’t care whether Tessa and Nicholas agreed to it or not, but she was going to watch the children for a few days. “The children will stay with me at the mansion for a while. Once I’m satisfied, I’ll send them back.”

Nicholas nodded in agreement and said, “Sure, I’ll have the servants pack their things, and you can take them with you.”

Tessa had no objections.

As her days were filled with rehearsals, taking care of the children, and rehabilitation exercises, she was already exhausted. Moreover, Gordon was practically glued to her.

could help out, it would mean that Tessa would be able to

Gordon was asleep because she worried that Gordon might not want to leave Tessa. Soon after she

Kieran even brought up the news of Tessa’s recent performance. “My sister-in-law’s fame is now higher

they even compare to my sister?” Timothy thought those celebrities weren’t worthy enough to be compared to his

was speechless. “I mean, do you need to argue about

celebrities can’t hold a candle to your sister.” Nicholas agreed

Kieran was completely speechless.

and turned to a more serious topic. “I found out that the Quinn Family used their connections to get Harper released. The matter was

out and have also hired

“If you need anything, you can come to

topic. “My study abroad program has been

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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