Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1393

Chapter 1393 The Disobedient Stakeholders 1

Thinking about how she would part ways with Timothy next month left Sabrina feeling


Timothy also guessed what she was thinking and nodded in agreement.

The two of them walked hand in hand under the moonlight.

Their shadows were stretched by the dim streetlights creating an indescribable


During their walk, they didn’t bring up the topic of parting. Instead, they chatted about

various topics. She felt very happy.

Timothy looked at her beaming smile and felt happy as well.

When they returned to Sabrina’s house, both of them still didn’t want to say goodbye.

Just then, Timothy took out a delicate gift box from his pocket and said, “This is for


“What is it?”

Sabrina curiously opened the box, discovering a beautifully crafted bracelet with small

diamonds embedded all around it.

She heard his deep and pleasant voice in her ear. “This is a proximity bracelet I

and I’ll feel it.” He then taught

use it.

Timothy’s phone received a


Timothy held her hand again and comforted her, “Don’t worry, I’ll finish my studies


time to part yet, he

on tiptoe to

not that sentimental, and you’re just going to study,

now, if I miss you, I’ll just take

have time. We can also video call each other during our

to worry about me. Just focus on your studies. This is


supportive and understanding.” Timothy

Sabrina before he kissed

refuse and

days, Tessa resumed her usual routine

at home and

to her leisurely life, Nicholas

reporting, and other members of

also came to the headquarters to report their

had accompanied Tessa on a trip abroad, which delayed many

personally. All of these factors kept

his office as usual. However, not long after he arrived,

walked in.

just received news that there will be a

do you

is there to think about?” Nicholas asked without

Seeing Nicholas’ indifferent attitude, Kieran became anxious.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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