Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1402

Chapter 1402 Treatment

“Thank you, doctor.” Tessa nodded, telling the doctor to go on with the treatment.

Not long after the doctor gave his prescription, the servants came back with the pills and a glass of warm water. Tessa started feeling sleepy after taking the pills. She didn’t resist it, knowing that it was the pills’ effect. However, before she fell asleep, she summoned Andrew. “Andrew, I might need you to take Nicholas’ lunch to him, and don’t tell him I’m sick.”

“But…” I might not be able to lie to him. He didn’t manage to say that. Tessa had already fallen asleep, so Andrew took up the job. In the afternoon, he went to the company holding Nicholas’ lunch.

Edward led Andrew to the president’s office and knocked on the door. “Sir, it’s Mr. Stewart.”

Surprised that Andrew was here, Nicholas frowned. “Wait. Where’s Tessa?”

Nicholas of Tessa’s illness. Even though Tessa said to keep it a secret, Andrew knew Nicholas would still find out anyway in the

Shocked, Nicholas dropped all

went after

home, and he saw Tessa lying in the bed looking red from the fever. Her forehead was still hot. “You silly woman.” He

was sick, he knew she had been putting up a strong front that morning

some discomfort. Nicholas quickly left and came back with a basin of cold water. He tried cooling

a sigh of relief, but he was still worried. In the end, he asked Edward to take all the files he

night came. She still felt

difficulty, she tried to

to get up, he quickly approached

surprised to see him.

asked Andrew, and he told me. Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” He helped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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