Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 1403

Chapter 1403 Concern

Moved by Tessa’s understanding, Nicholas’ heart melted. Words couldn’t describe how he felt.

They chatted for a while, and then someone knocked on the door. “Master Nicholas, is the madam awake? Her soup is ready.”

“Take it here. She’s awake.” Nicholas held Tessa in his embrace.

A while later, Andrew came in with the servant. Nicholas took the soup and fed Tessa himself.

She sipped on it and looked at him. “Have you had dinner?”

“I will, once you finish yours.” Nicholas ladled some soup.

Tessa didn’t eat but pushed the spoon toward him. “We’ll finish this together. I can’t do it on my own.”

her eyes, Nicholas agreed. Then, they finished the soup together, the scene of which was romantic. After a while, Nicholas summoned a servant and told her to clear things

whole afternoon. Let’s just talk.” Tessa patted the space beside her and

wouldn’t refuse this

awake, Mommy. Mr. Andrew said so. Do you feel better now?” He jumped onto the

patted his head and said gently. “Yes. Thank you,

the next

care of yourself,


turned to his father. “Since Mommy’s sick, can you tell

tucked the boy in and told a bedtime story to him. Eventually, Gregory

story and stood up. Carefully, he tucked the boy in more and backed out of the room. When he came back to the main bedroom, the lights were still on, but Tessa was already asleep. He came to the bed and smiled gently at Tessa. Then, he took his clothes off and pulled Tessa into his embrace. “Good


switched off the lights. Silvery moonlight shone upon the couple from the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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