Always Been Yours

Chapter 1405

Chapter 1405 Old Git

Joseph shrugged it off and took a sip of tea delightfully.

Adam looked at him. "Don't underestimate him. Ever since he took over, the company's net worth has grown over fifteen billion dollars."

"He's a business genius, yes, but nothing else. Otherwise, he would've stopped us from gaining power." Joseph still thought nothing of Nicholas.

Adam didn't argue with that. Joseph had a point. If Nicholas were that powerful, he would've made sure they could never gain power.

Joseph took Adam's silence as agreement. He took another sip of tea and continued leisurely, "Don't think too much about it. We're still his elders. Even if he demands an explanation, he won't do anything to us. He's still rather young, but he's going to be trouble in a few years."

Despite his nonchalance, Joseph still was concerned about the doctored accounts. If Remus were to find out, things would be bad for them. "Still, take care of this. Dragging it out won't be good for us."

and I still think something's wrong. Let's just see what happens." Adam's eyes glinted with slyness, and he sneered. "And you're right. We're still his

Edward to tell everyone to stop talking about the matter. However, it wasn't the end. Nicholas was just keeping it in until it

still caught wind of the matter. During the weekly family dinner, Tobias brought that matter up. "Is something the matter with the

Nicholas nodded.

exchanged a solemn look. They knew what Adam and Joseph had been doing all these years, but they never cracked down on them because they were family.

be the

said Nicholas. He

couldn't stay calm. "What investigation? We know what happened. Great Uncle Adam and Joseph have gone too far. They don't show any respect

Sawyer!" Nicholas' face fell.

I'll shut up. Don't give me that look." He poked his food

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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