Always Been Yours

Chapter 1406

Chapter 1406 Details

Tessa spoke gently.

Stefania said, "Take care of yourself. It's a bit cold lately, so stay warm."

"I will." Tessa nodded.

Remus then told Ian, "Prepare some supplements and send them to Nicholas' place." He looked at Tessa. "You need them."

Tessa smiled. "Thank you, Grandpa."

After Nicholas had breakfast with Tessa the next day, he went to work. Not long after he stepped into his office, Edward came in looking solemn. "We've gotten the results, sir."

"And?" Nicholas shot him a look.

one of Adam's companies was in the red. To not raise any suspicion,

wouldn't have taken that risk with me if that was the case. They would have gone for a

that you mentioned it, it does sound weird. "I should double-check the amount

And tell the finance department to help out." Nicholas

something was wrong. Edward came back

squinted. "What did you find?"

a lot of inconsistencies in the ledgers. There's

what that money was used for." A hundred and fifty million is no joke.

quickly went to investigate. An hour later,

is it this time?" Nicholas

his voice, Edward said, "I told my men to check the branch's transaction history, and they found a big one. They paid a big sum of money

Edward fixedly. He had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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