Always Been Yours

Chapter 1407

Chapter 1407 Taking Action

Nicholas' fury could not be contained. "What the hell were they thinking? Do they pay so little heed to the company?" Nicholas stood behind his desk, his eyes filled with rage. He looked like a demon ready to hunt down a sinner.

Edward's legs were buckling, but he could understand Nicholas' fury. If this scandal were to surface, Sawyer Group would be the first to be hit by the court of public opinion. They would think the company was filled with scoundrels and criminals. If worse came to worst, the company might fall. At this point, even Edward was angry at Adam and Joseph. How could they do this? This might bring the company down.

As Edward was musing over this matter, Nicholas hissed, "Get all the evidence of their crimes and force the Filisburg branch to give back every single cent they took."

"What about Adam and Joseph's contraband business?" asked Edward after some hesitation.

A hint of cruelty flashed in Nicholas' eyes. "They can drop dead for all I care. Just get the money back."

"But that'd alert them." Edward frowned.

we need to do now is cut

understand." Edward left and started another round of

in Filisburg got the news. It was dawn in Filisburg right

came to him in a hurry. He was Adam's most trusted lieutenant—Chester. "Sir, I have news. Someone let slip

longer stay calm. His face fell and a frown furrowed his forehead.

HQ has sent someone to check in with them," Chester answered, telling Adam the news

investigation, and he won't stop until he finds the truth. I cannot let this happen. "Summon Joseph."

Chester left.

heard from Chester, Adam.

Adam nodded coldly.

winced. "So, that means we have to pay." He was a slave to money. Asking him to fork out that sum of

money alone can't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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