Always Been Yours

Chapter 1411

Chapter 1411 Dead or Alive

By the time Adam arrived, Joseph had already gotten out of bed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked puzzledly.

"I'm still worried about the whole situation with Remus' family so I came to discuss things with you."

Adam sat on the couch and shared his concerns. "Nicholas won't let things slide so easily. He and Kieran are close. I'm sure he'll do a thorough investigation."

Joseph chuckled.

"Doesn't that work exactly in our favor? I'd be more worried if that punk doesn't investigate the accident and focuses on our accounts instead."

"Aren't you afraid that he might link the accident back to us?" Adam stared anxiously at Joseph.

"Relax, Adam," Joseph laughed. "It can't be traced back to us. I had them prepare for all possibilities. Even if Nicholas looks into it, he'll only find what we want him to find."

Even so, Adam was still uneasy.

"That's not enough. I'm still worried."

"Why don't I have them do it again then? It'd be good for us too. If something happens to both Nicholas and Kieran, Remus' family would be thrown into chaos, and we can even take advantage of that situation to reap some benefits for ourselves."

to double

it. "There's no point trying to do it again now. Nicholas

Joseph gave up on that

was only a spur-of-the-moment suggestion. In reality, he knew he couldn't make

way to delay Nicholas' investigations. I'll do my best to fudge the accounts and get rid of all the information that could be

was late at night back in Xerthania.

been searching for two hours but there was still no sign

the river with a grim expression. The pressuring aura that emanated from him

were scattered along the river as the rescue

hour passed, and the leader of the rescue team walked over to Nicholas.

Master Kieran's car earlier, but he wasn't inside. He must've escaped from the car," the man informed.

frowning hard as he instructed coolly, "Since you

suspect that Master Kieran… must have

grew fainter toward the end and his calves began trembling.

Nicholas' eyes was far too

leader of the rescue team to be scared out of

the man was able to


swimming in the river and a passing boat

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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