Always Been Yours

Chapter 1412

Chapter 1412 Sabotage

As Timothy was Tessa's brother and someone Nicholas thought highly of, Edward figured that words of consolation from Timothy would be more effective than his own.

"President Sawyer, President Reinhart is here. I'll go and see what they've discovered about the car."

As Edward was turning to leave, he caught Timothy's gaze.

He signaled Timothy with a look to ask the latter to say a few words of comfort to Nicholas.

Timothy got the message and nodded lightly before walking over to Nicholas.

"How are things going, Nicholas? Have they found Kieran yet?"

"They're still looking for him. Why did you come here?" Nicholas asked but his eyes remained fixed on the search out on the river.

Timothy didn't mind. "I saw the news on the television," he replied. "Tess is very worried about you so she asked me to come and take a look to see if I can help you out with anything."

He patted Nicholas on the shoulder.

"Kieran will be fine. A man as smart as him would've surely found a way to escape. We just haven't found him yet."

"I hope that's the case."

pursed his lips.

by the river and waited.

serious expression. "President Sawyer, the police have just informed

expression darkened even further.

stop there as Edward's next words made him

this means that the perpetrator was targeting you. It

thorough investigation! I want to know who has the gall to plot against me," Nicholas instructed

at the office. I'm sure

you find

nodded and left.

as well, but at the

goodness it wasn't Nicholas who met with the accident. Otherwise, I can't imagine how destroyed

Timothy felt the urge to contribute in

I'll keep an eye on

her a call

but he got his phone out and walked a

rest when Kieran hadn't been found yet.

answered almost immediately and her anxious voice

they found

won't be going back tonight. I want to stay here and wait

a summary of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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