Always Been Yours

Chapter 1419

Chapter 1419 A Family Meeting

Edward brought up another matter then. "By the way, I've gathered most of the evidence that you told me to get from abroad."

Nicholas' gaze darkened upon hearing this. "Show it to me."

"Yes." Edward nodded before sending all of the evidence that he had gathered to Nicholas' email. Nicholas glanced through it while questioning Edward. "Did they take any action while you guys were gathering evidence?"

"Yeah. It seems like Master Adam and Master Joseph were trying to destroy some of the files. Fortunately, our men were faster than them, so we managed to acquire the original bills and evidence for their smuggling deeds." Edward explained the situation. "We were lucky enough not to alert them in any way. Otherwise, all of our plans would've been derailed."

didn't make any comments and simply scrolled through the evidence on his laptop with a stern look on his face. The temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees as Nicholas continued to look through the evidence. Edward could sense the change in atmosphere, so he lowered his head and

all the files. "They're a bunch of despicable, greedy people!" he hissed. "What should we do next?" Edward asked in

all the pests during the family meeting. Edward left after taking orders from Nicholas. Soon enough, the Sawyer Family received the news of

Joseph and Adam arrived at the Sawyer Residence. Adam had two sons—Zachary Sawyer, who was the eldest child, and Calvin Sawyer. Both of them were married to women from the top ten richest families in the country.

Stefania got Tessa to greet and host all of their visitors. Tessa understood Stefania's intentions, so she gave the visitors a generous welcome once

Joseph's families gave Tessa rather judgmental stares when they saw the elegant and gorgeous woman who had shown up to greet them. Madeline, the daughter-in-law

together when she saw that her visitors weren't polite to her. Despite this, Tessa made sure to keep a smile on her face. Lisa spoke up in a lazy voice before Tessa could respond to Madeline's question. "I heard that you and Nicholas only got married after you were pregnant, and I heard that Nicholas had a few fights with his family because of you. You seem like a pretty

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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