Always Been Yours

Chapter 1420

Chapter 1420 Joseph’s Suggestion

Tessa shot Stefania a look of admiration when she saw the way Stefania dealt with their visitors. The latecomers, Adam and Joseph, arrived at the house a while after that. When all the key people of the Sawyer Family were finally settled down in the large hall, the meeting officially began.

As the man in charge of the Sawyer Family, Nicholas was the first to lay things out in the meeting. "What does everything think of Kieran's funeral?" he asked. The crowd exchanged glances with one another upon hearing his words. Adam was the first to speak in the end. "We're very sorry for what happened to Kieran. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family," he uttered.

The rest of the people chirped in as well. "My condolences."

"Rest in peace." Nicholas didn't show any emotion in response to these people's words, but Stefania was tearing up. Right then, Joseph took the initiative to suggest something. "Since Kieran is the son of the eldest man in our generation, he deserves to have a grand funeral."

"That's right. Furthermore, now that the company is in such an unstable position, Nicholas and Tobias are probably too busy to handle these matters. People like us who have a little free time should help out with Kieran's funeral," Adam added with a nod. He looked as if he genuinely wanted to help Nicholas' family.

to handle this. Furthermore, Kieran is my brother. I'd rather handle his funeral on my own," he uttered in a firm tone. Adam and

upcoming plans. "Well, since you'd like to handle it on your own, then I believe it's best if we don't stick our noses into it. But in that case, would you be able to handle

this as a form of support for their upcoming plans. "Well, since you'd like to handle it on your own, then I believe it's best if we don't stick our noses into it. But in that case,

took a glance at the crowd before he questioned Joseph. "What do you mean by that, Master Joseph?" Nicholas asked, even though he already knew the answer.

handle the workload at the office. Wouldn't it be a good idea for you to bring in one of the more capable juniors in the family?" Joseph put out a

before Joseph could say anything. "I don't mind helping out, Nicholas," someone

a 10% growth within the past year, so I'm better than everyone here." Nicholas' gaze darkened when he saw the way the crowd was fighting and one-upping each other just to enter the company. "That's enough!" Nicholas barked. "Kieran has only been gone

who made eye contact with him shrank away after seeing the look in his

sentence, Nicholas' gaze swept across the crowd. He glared at everyone fiercely. Anyone who made eye contact with him shrank away after seeing the look in his eyes.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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