Always Been Yours

Chapter 1425

Chapter 1425 He’s Alive

The meeting ended soon after that, and everyone seemed like they were in a hurry to leave the house. Soon enough, Remus' family was the only one left in the large Sawyer Residence. Stefania sat on the couch, still fuming from what had happened earlier. "I can't believe they would do such a thing to their younger generations. They're just too much!" she hissed through gritted teeth.

Tessa was worried that Stefania would get too worked up, so she hurried over to comfort Stefania. "You should be more mindful of your health. There's no need to get so angry now that they've been captured. They're about to pay for what they did," Tessa uttered. However, Stefania only seemed more emotional after hearing Tessa's words. "What's the use of capturing them? They can't bring Kieran back." She sighed. She sounded like she was close to tears.

Tessa didn't know how to comfort Stefania at that point—she felt saddened by what Stefania said as well. The best Tessa could do then was to quietly stay by Stefania's side. When Nicholas sensed the sorrow in the two women, he surprised them with a shocking piece of information. "Actually… Kieran's still alive."

Both Tessa and Stefania were too stunned to speak for a while, but Stefania was the first to react. She turned to stare at him. "Are you serious? Is your brother still alive?" Both Remus and Tessa shifted their gazes to Nicholas as well.

"Yeah. He's still alive." Nicholas nodded.

a smart man, was the first to understand the whole situation. "So, you brothers teamed up to plan this whole thing,

plan it all out, but

"We didn't exactly plan it all out, but we just went along with the situation," he explained.

What's going on

We managed to find Kieran after we sent out men to search for him that day, but Kieran was in bad shape, so I told someone to secretly send Kieran to the hospital for emergency

for nothing?" she was

you keep such a huge secret to yourselves?

in the face of his family members' annoyance. "We didn't tell you anything as we wanted Granduncle Joseph and Adam to lower their guards. I doubt I would've been able to catch them red-handed if they hadn't

things from us." Stefania shot Nicholas an angry look.

looks on all the elders' faces before she decided that she should help her husband and tried to change the topic. "You mentioned that Kieran was in bad shape. How is he now? Where

distracted by Tessa's question. They all started asking to see Kieran.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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